Why invite all your friends?
Clicking the Invite Friends button brings up a second dialogue box that allows you to select exactly which of your friends to invite. Here’s where most people come unstuck. They go through their friends list and they select all the people they think may be interested in the event. They broadly eliminate the majority of their friends because:
- They are not in the location of the event or live outside the UK
- They think they won’t like that kind of event
- They think their friend will take offense at being invited
- They think they are spamming their friends
Let’s set straight, many of these misconceptions. Firstly, Facebook is a social network. The whole point of social networks is to socialise, which is no different to say, going to your local pub with friends. If you went to the pub with your friend and you were discussing your lives and what’s happening in them, you’d likely mention that you are going to a show later in the week. Yet, you wouldn’t expect your friend to take offense or feel like they are being spammed. It’s a misconception that your friends will take offense to your event invites. At worst, they will just ignore them.
What does Facebook do with my invitations?
But here’s the clever bit – Facebook does lots of cool things with your event invites. Obviously Facebook puts your event directly in front of your friend, but it also does this again, nearer the time of the event, so really it’s giving you a second invite to bolster your audience numbers. Another thing it does is it adds the event to your friends news feed which is shown to their friends. For example, one of your friends might click the “interested” button and their friends will potentially see that action, which means you just reached a friend of a friend that you couldn’t reach before.
Even if the friend you are inviting lives on the other side of the world, chances are, that friend has connections around your area (they’re connected to you, right?). There’s every chance that your friend on the other side of the world might think, “Oh, I am not interested in this event, but Susie might love it! I’ll send her an invite.”
Finally, it’s also entirely possible that your invite might provoke some discussion offline which is a great thing. Pub anyone?
But here is the real reason you want to literally invite all your friends to your events… If you have a ten piece band and each band member has around 300 Facebook friends, that’s a 3,000 strong audience you can reach without spending a penny on marketing and promotion! More to the point, this entire audience is already connected to you, your band or one of your band members. They’re effectively a pre-qualified audience that you already have a relationship with!
Here’s how you complete the process:
In the pop up dialog box, simply select All Friends under the Suggested heading, click Select All and then click Send Invitations. Job done.